In This Issue...
- President's Message
- Incoming President's Message
- Terry Wertz Tribute
- Newly Elected Board Members
- 2021 Honors of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Fellow Interview with Kristen Nunn
- ANCDS Board Certification Interview with Emily Cook
- 2021 Student Fellowship Winners
- New Member Feature: Ignatius Nip
- ASHA Announcements
- Member Accomplishments
ANCDS Board/Officers
Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP President
Carole Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS President-Elect
Deanna Britton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS Secretary
Yvonne Rogalski, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Treasurer
Kathleen M. Youse, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS Immediate Past President
Jessica Brown, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Jacqueline Laures-Gore, Ph.D. Executive Board Member
Ellyn Riley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Meghan C. Savage, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Mary H. Purdy, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS ANCDS Archivist
Sheryle Hazard, CAE Executive Director
ANCDS Board Certification
Why become Board Certified?
- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide
- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for maintenance of board certification
- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement
Click here to learn more about the application and certification process.
On-Demand CE Offerings (Expiring 12/31/21)
Apragmatism: Right Hemisphere Brain Damage Communication Disorders
The Speech-Language Pathologist’s Role in Collegiate Athletic Concussion Management: Looking Back and Pushing Forward
How to Practice Person-Centered Care for People with Dementia in Nursing Homes
2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Lecture Recordings
View all On-Demand CE here!
Episode 18: A Conversation with Peter Meulenbroek: ANCDS Writing Group for Traumatic Brain Injury
Welcome New Members!
Full Members
Halah Alateeq Adithya Chandregowda Petrea Cornwell, BSpPath (Hons), Ph.D. Heather Dial, Ph.D. Betty Erickson, M.S., CCC-SLP LaChana Flanders, M.S., CCC-SLP Christina Freise, M.S., CCC-SLP Jennifer Gutierrez, Ph.D. Amy Larocca, M.A., CCC-SLP Alex Lautmann, M.S., CCC-SLP Ashley Lopez, M.S., CCC-SLP, BCS-S Katherine McShane, M.A., CCC-SLP Jennifer Munro, M.S., CCC-SLP Kelly Ann Pena Jessie Preston Sharyl Samargia-Grivette, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Student Members
Nancy Barber Warren Brown, M.S., CCC-SLP Nicole Campbell Anna Cedoz Mia Cywinski Lauren Dunn Lauren Hammond, M.S., CF-SLP Sara Hrkach Lillian Jarold Lydia Kallhoff, M.S., CF-SLP E Lee Marc Maffei, M.S., CCC-SLP Gabriela Meade, Ph.D. Hilary Miller, M.S., CCC-SLP Sarah Moats Kate Nealon, CCC-SLP Kristen Nunn, M.S., CCC-SLP Yalian Pei Marie-France Perrier, M.H.Sc., SLP(C), CASLPO Kate Phelps DeAnna Pinnow, M.A., CCC-SLP Riley Robertson Dale Summers, M.S., CCC-SLP Gabriella Trevino Melissa Ugianskis Nicole Wiswesser Katherine Wolf
Contact Us
ANCDS 2345 Rice Street Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55113 Online: Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-925-5528 Fax: 651-317-8048
Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!
President's Message
Hello ANCDS Members,
Greetings to each of you! As I reflect on the past year and think about 2022 and beyond, I am grateful for the dedication and efforts of everyone in this academy, and especially the work of the Executive Board, Committee Chairs, and Committee members. We have many accomplishments of which to be proud this year, and I note a few here.
The large task of revising the website was completed; the Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion met several times to begin its work, including providing an excellent presentation at the Annual Meeting; members of the Certification Board discussed the board certification process at several state and national meetings; the EBCR added two new writing groups, one focusing on pediatric motor speech disorders, and one on equity in clinical research in neurogenic disorders (this brings the number of writing groups to 8!); we piloted a process for committees to request short-term, project-based funding; several podcasts and webinars were published, and the ANCDS Residency Program that will initially pilot with the VA is nearing final approval. During 2021 our membership numbers remained high, we are financially healthy, and we have a robust board certification program.
Recently, we had a stimulating and successful Executive Board and Committee Chair Retreat, from which many collaborative ideas emerged. ANCDS continues to be a leader in our profession, and I hope each of you reading this newsletter will consider becoming part of this visionary, collaborative, and energetic group. You can volunteer here, or after signing-in, navigating from the Welcome page to About Us (at the top of the page), dropping down to Committees to learn more about committees, then going to the bottom of the page and clicking on the Get Involved link, or by contacting me (2021 President) or Carole Roth (2022 President) or a committee chair. We have come so far and have so far to go; we have great ideas and need great people to help make them a reality.
For the second year, our Annual Education & Scientific Meeting was held in a virtual format. It was very well-attended and provided a wealth of valuable, relevant, and clinically important information. If you did not attend the event, please watch the website for recordings of the presentations in our continuing webinar programming. At the meeting, ANCDS presented the Honors of the Academy to Richard Peach, Ph.D., a longstanding member of ANCDS who has consistently contributed to its work. You can read the text of the statement honoring Richard on our website. Please join me in congratulating Richard on this honor.
Those of you who went to the ASHA Convention in person likely had a different experience from previous years when the convention halls and the ANCDS meeting rooms were filled with friends, colleagues, and people passionate about our profession. I missed being able to gather in person this year and, as it is our custom, recognizing and welcoming the incoming ANCDS Executive Board members. Two individuals are continuing in a second term, Deanna Britton, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, as Secretary, and Ellyn Riley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, as Member-at-Large. Lynn Maher, Ph.D., joins the Executive Board as President-elect and Jessica Galgano, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, as Member-at-Large. Welcome to each of you.
At this time, I would like to thank you for the opportunity of serving this organization as President in 2021. It has been an honor and a time of learning. I hold in high esteem the dedication of our members and look forward to a continued bright future for ANCDS. It is my privilege to officially pass the gavel, so to speak, as well as the next piece of this President’s Message, to my good friend and colleague, Carole Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, as she assumes leadership for 2022 – ANCDS is in good hands.

Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 2021 ANCDS President [email protected]
Incoming President's Message
Dear ANCDS Colleagues and Friends,
As the incoming President of ANCDS, I am fortunate to lead the Executive Board along a clearly delineated path that Janet Patterson, Kathleen Youse, and Presidents before them paved. I want to take a moment to thank Janet for her leadership and mentoring over the past year. Early in my grooming period for the ANCDS Presidency, Janet informed me that ANCDS committees, with the support of the Executive Board (EB), do the work of ANCDS. As President, my job will be to enable and support the committees through the EB. Over the past year, I saw for myself just how vibrant and effective ANCDS truly is!
I also want to acknowledge the mentoring that JoAnn Silkes, EBCR Committee Chair, provided me as the EB liaison to this committee. I truly am inspired by the work of the writing groups who provide us with published clinical evidence supporting the questions we ask when serving individuals with neurogenic communication disorders. You can learn more about the work of the writing groups through the recorded podcasts highlighting their various projects. Also contributing to my mentoring was Yvonne Rogalski, Treasurer, who gave me a short course in interpreting the ANCDS finances and budget.
As incoming President, I look forward to working with an amazing Executive Board comprised of 9 inspiring professionals: Lynn Maher, President-Elect and liaison to the EBCR committee, Deanna Britton, Secretary, Yvonne Rogalski, Treasurer, Janet Patterson, Past-President and liaison to Nominations and the Diversity & Inclusion committee, Jessica Brown, liaison to the Membership committee, Jessica Galgano, liaison to the Professional Affairs committee, Ellyn Riley, liaison to the Education and Standards committee, Meghan Savage, liaison to the Communications committee, and Mary Purdy, Archivist. Working in the background, keeping an eye on operational details of the association, is Sheryle Hazard, ANCDS Executive Director, and her staff. With this team of incredibly knowledgeable and dedicated individuals, I am confident that 2022 will prove to be another exciting and productive year.
My goals include:
- Encouraging ANCDS members to pursue certification.
- Transitioning back to an in-person annual scientific meeting.
- Continuing to encourage student involvement by awarding Student Fellowships at the annual scientific meeting as well as other outreach projects.
- Piloting of the ANCDS Residency Program with the VA.
- Establishing a standing committee on diversity and inclusion.
- Continuing to provide webinars for CEUs, podcasts, newsletters, and expanding the ANCDS social media footprint.
- Supporting the work of the EBCR committee and writing committees in advancing evidence-based clinical research.
- Maintaining a financially healthy organization.
We, the members of ANCDS, belong to this organization because we appreciate the collective wealth of knowledge, experience, dedication, and professionalism that ANCDS represents. We enjoy virtual and in-person collaborations and friendships. We enjoy the benefits of the annual scientific meeting, the free webinars available for CEUs, the team spirit discovered when participating on committees, and the challenge and reward of working toward board certification. The opportunities are immense. I would like to reiterate Janet’s invitation to each of you to encourage you to become more involved in ANCDS by joining a committee. There is a place for you on a committee or a project. If you are unsure where or how you would like to become involved, feel free to reach out to me (2022 President) or to Janet (Past President), or to Lynn Maher (President-Elect); or by navigating to the About Us page (see link above) on the ANCDS website then clicking on the Get Involved link to learn more about committees.
I begin my tenure as President feeling prepared, confident, and enthusiastic because I know ANCDS is an organization comprised of bright, inspiring, passionate individuals who have dedicated themselves to fulfilling the mission of the organization: “Enhancing the communicative lives of people affected by neurologic disorders.” I look forward to working collaboratively with the EB, the committee chairs, and you, the members, in leading ANCDS into its bright future. Thank you for this opportunity.

Carol R. Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS 2022 ANCDS President [email protected]
Terry Wertz Tribute
Dear ANCDS community,
It is with great sadness and a heart full of respect, that I share with you that Terry Wertz passed away recently. Most of us in ANCDS can trace a professional connection with Terry – directly as a mentor or friend, or indirectly as a student or a clinician of his at the university or the VA. Terry was President of ANCDS in 1995-1996. His scholarly prowess, compassion for humanity, dedication to the study of aphasia, service to individuals living with aphasia, and wry sense of humor will long be remembered. His dear friend, Jay Rosenbek, says it best in the tribute below. Please join me, ANCDS family, in taking a moment to recall with joy a story about Terry that can guide you in your work as aphasiologists and in your life.
Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 2021 ANCDS President

Terry Wertz (left)
Dear ANCDS community,
Terry Wertz died on December 2, 2021, from the complications of a subdural hematoma suffered in a fall while trimming his yew bushes. He had aphasia at the end, and he was handling it with the style and grace characteristic of his approach to people and events during the whole of his rich, productive life.
If aphasiologists see mentoring as their most important contribution to students and younger colleagues, are careful to be helpful rather than hurtful in their peer review, are committed to following the data wherever they lead, and rank joy above correctness, Terry deserves much of the credit.
Thanks, old friend, for blazing the trail with data and for going just slowly enough so that the rest of us could keep you in sight.
Jay Rosenbek, Ph.D.
Newly Elected Board Members
In accordance with the ANCDS bylaws, a slate of candidates for positions on the ANCDS Executive Board for terms starting in 2022 was presented to the membership for voting. In a unanimous vote, the following members were elected to the Board:
President-Elect: Dr. Lynn Maher
Secretary: Dr. Deanna Britton
Members at Large:
Dr. Ellyn Riley
Dr. Jessica Galgano
We would like to thank our outgoing board member, Jacqueline Laures-Gore, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. We greatly appreciate all your contributions from your time on the board.
2021 Honors of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
The Honors of the ANCDS is the highest award bestowed by the academy. It is awarded to those who have displayed excellence in clinical assessment and treatment, research, mentorship, teaching, and service to the community and to the ANCDS. This year, the ANCDS is honoring an individual who, for 44 years, has made significant contributions to individuals who have neurologic communication disorders.
Please join the Honors Committee in presenting the Honors of the ANCDS to our distinguished colleague who is most deserving of this recognition, Dr. Richard Peach.
You can read the full announcement made by the Honors Committee here.

Richard Peach, Ph.D.
Congratulations, Dr. Peach!
Fellow Interview with Kristen Nunn

Kristen Nunn, M.S., CCC-SLP
1. Why were you interested in the ANCDS conference fellow program?
I was interested in the ANCDS conference fellow program for the opportunity to be paired with an experienced researcher and clinician in the field of neurologic communication disorders and sciences. I was also eager to meet with other individuals passionate about improving the management of neurologic communication disorders.
2. What did you enjoy about the ANCDS conference fellow program?
There was so much that I enjoyed about the fellowship program. In particular, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Hinckley. Through discussions, Dr. Hinckley has helped me conceptualize my goals as a clinician and researcher. She has encouraged me to think critically about how I can maximize the implementation and translation of my work into clinical practice.
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ANCDS Board Certification Interview with Emily Cook

Emily Cook, BC-ANCDS
1. What motivated you to pursue ANCDS board certification?
Since I started my career, I have focused primarily on the assessment and management of cognitive-communication disorders in the pediatric and adult populations following acquired brain injury. I pursued the ANCDS board certification to highlight my interest and skill in this area, reflect on my clinical decision-making while incorporating evidence-based practice, and become a certified member of an organization that is dedicated to better understanding this population that warrants highly individualized treatment.
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2021 Student Fellowship Winners
The ANCDS Student Fellowship Program was developed in 2011. Start-up funds for the original awards were contributed by Dr. Lawrence Shriberg, keynote speaker for the 2010 ANCDS Annual Scientific Meeting, who donated his honorarium back to the ANCDS. Funds to sustain the program continue to be provided by the ANCDS Executive Board and through donations from ANCDS members.
The Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS) Membership Committee is pleased to announce that awards were offered this year for 14 students to participate in a Virtual Fellowship Program and attend the 2021 Virtual ANCDS Annual Scientific Meeting. Meet the 2021 Student Fellows here.
New Member Feature: Ignatius Nip

Ignatius Nip, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
How did you become interested in neurogenic communication disorders?
When I was an SLP, I had a large number of children with cerebral palsy on my caseload. The parents of these students really wanted to help their child improve and would investigate therapies, including alternative therapies with no evidence. I would try to find scientific evidence or EBP guidelines to provide these families with more information about what I was doing as a clinician but I quickly realized there really wasn't a lot. This was in the early 2000s, though, so I think things have improved, though we definitely have a long way to go too.
What is your area of interest related to neurogenic communication disorders?
I am really interested in motor control in people with dysarthria, particularly children with cerebral palsy, though I've recently also started some work with adults with Parkinson's disease and deep-brain stimulation and people with oropharyngeal cancer.
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2021 Annual Meeting Silver Sponsor

ANCDS does not endorse specific companies or products.

ASHA Announcements
- Join the Effort to Extend Telepractice Coverage: Policies are being threatened. Read about how you can help ASHA and other organizations advocate for extensions of telehealth coverage.
- New Evidence Map Summaries IPE/IPP Implementation Studies: Find up-to-date research on implementing Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Practice (IPE/IPP) in ASHA’s Evidence Maps.
ACRM 2021 Virtual Annual Conference
There’s still time to earn CEUs for the ACRM 2021 Virtual Annual Conference! 400+ CME/CEUs available through March 21, 2022. Register here.
Here are some sample presentations related to speech-language pathology clinical practice at the 2021 conference:
- Changes in electrical brain activity due to tDCS in post-stroke chronic aphasia: a double-blind randomized controlled study (1026721)
- Exercise Adherence and Exercise Prescription by Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, as well as Speech and Language Pathologists (1028325)
- Multisite Implementation of the VA Intensive Dysphagia Treatment Program (1042884)
- YLVISAKER SYMPOSIUM: Functional Strategies for Assessing & Treating Executive Functions in the Classroom for Students with Brain Injury (1001110)
- Telerehabilitation for Acquired Brain Injury: Evidence and Insights from Three Unique Cognitive-Linguistic Treatments During the COVID-19 Pandemic (995230)
- Rehabilitation Indications in Head and Neck Cancer (992051)
- PLENARY III: Cultural Humility: A Foundation for Racial Equity in Academic Rehabilitation Medicine (977820)
- Applications of the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System in Research (994224)
- Cognitive Rehabilitation for Cancer Related Cognitive Impairment: The Era of Telehealth (991592)
- Speech and Gait in Essential Tremor after Deep Brain Stimulation (1025534)
This information was compiled by the ACRM Aphasia and Other Communication Disorders Task Force. We welcome new members to join this working group aimed at increasing aphasia education in medical professionals and supporting interdisciplinary research on the care of individuals with aphasia and other communication disorders.
Contact Task Force Chairs Natalie Gilmore ([email protected]) and Emily Braun ([email protected]) for more details on how to get involved.
Member Accomplishments
Leora Cherney, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, received the ACRM Women in Rehabilitation Science Award, given in recognition of her significant contributions to rehabilitation research, at the September 2021 ACRM Conference.
Leora Cherney, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, received a grant for the Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training Program (AART). This Advanced Rehabilitation Training Program provides two years of rigorous, in-depth research training to postdoctoral fellows from programs in communication sciences and disorders. It is designed to prepare them for careers as independent scientists with the skills necessary to conduct high-quality, interdisciplinary research addressing the rehabilitation of acquired communication or swallowing disorders that accompany neurological conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or Parkinson’s disease. For further information, including application requirements, see here.
Leora Cherney, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, and Elliot Roth, M.D., received a grant for the NIDILRR Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC). This Rehabilitation Research and Training Center seeks to build self-efficacy and increase the ability of persons with a disability to successfully navigate their environment and manage new challenges. One of the two 5-year projects is an implementation study that will develop an online communication partner training program to improve the communication interactions of people with communication disorders (aphasia, TBI, Parkinson’s disease, adults with cerebral palsy) and service providers/businesses in their community.
Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., BC-ANCDS, was a speaker for the Zoom conference, Digital Equity for All Ages: Connect, Respect and Protect Older People in Digital Technology. This was a part of the United Nations International Day of Older Persons, held October 1, 2021. Her presentation addressed "Challenges for People with Acquired Language Disorders in an Increasingly Digitalized Social World."
Whitney Postman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, was awarded a $60,000 (direct costs) sub-contract over a 3-year total project period to serve as the Saint Louis University site Principal Investigator for a National Institute on Aging (NIA) R24 grant, "The COEQUAL Registry: Creating Opportunities to Increase Health Equity and Equality for Persons at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias", led by Dr. Joyce Balls-Berry, Ph.D., MPE, Associate Professor of Neurology at Washington University School of Medicine and Inaugural Leader for the Health Disparities and Equity Core in the Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.
Gail Ramsberger, Sc.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, Board Certified - ANCDS Associate Professor, retired after 35 years of service at the University of Colorado.
Jessica Salley Riccardi was awarded the 2021 ASHFoundation New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship.
Stacey Sangtian was selected as a Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Scholar and Dissertation Award recipient or 2021-2022. The goal of the SREB Doctoral Scholars Program is to increase the number of minority students who earn doctorates and choose to become faculty at colleges and universities.
Victoria Tilton-Bolowsky, M.S., CCC-SLP, was awarded the National Collegiate Cancer Foundation Survivor Scholarship from the National Collegiate Cancer Foundation. She was also one of two recipients of the SLP 2021 LSVT Small Student Grants for her behavioral research study entitled, "Incorporating strategy training into naming treatment to improve generalization in aphasia." This study is part of her dissertation work. The grant funds will go towards participant compensation and some equipment costs for the study.
Member Publications:
O’Brien, M. K., Botonis, O. K., Larkin, E., Carpenter, J., Martin-Harris, B., Maronati, R., Lee, K., Cherney, L. R., Hutchison, B., Xu, S., Rogers, J. A., Jayaraman, A. (2021). Advanced Machine Learning Tools to Monitor Biomarkers of Dysphagia: A Wearable Sensor Proof-of-Concept Study. Digital Biomarkers, 5, 167-175.
Armour M, Cherney LR, Del Toro CM, Maher LM, Raymer AM; Aphasia and Other Communication Disorders Task Force of the Stroke Interdisciplinary Interest Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine in collaboration with Aphasia Access. (2021), Aphasia FAQs for the Rehabilitation Professional. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 102:1243-1245. 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.01.068
Ashaie SA & Cherney, LR, (2021). Internal Consistency and Convergent Validity of Self-Report and By-Proxy Measures of Depression in Persons with Aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(6), 2047-2052.
Cherney LR, Lee JB, Kim KYA. & Van Vuuren, S. (2021) Web-Based Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (Web ORLA): A randomized control trial. Clinical Rehabilitation,35(7) 976–987.
Cherney LR, Babbitt EM, Wang X, & Pitts LL. (2021). Extended fMRI-Guided Anodal and Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Targeting Perilesional Areas in Post-Stroke Aphasia: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Brain Sciences. 11(3):306.
Kinsey LE, Lee JB, Larkin EM, & Cherney LR. (2021). Texting Behaviors of Individuals with Chronic Aphasia: A Descriptive Study. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology.
Lester-Smith RA, Miller CH, & Cherney, LR. (2021). Behavioral Therapy for Tremor or Dystonia Affecting Voice in Speakers with Hyperkinetic Dysarthria: A Systematic Review. Journal of Voice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.03.026
Hokelekli, F.O., Ali, F., Clark, H.M., Duffy, J.R., Utianski, R.L., Botha, H., Machulda, M.M., St. Louis, E.K., Whitwell, J.L., and Josephs, K.A. (2021). Sleep Disturbances in the Speech-Language Variant of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 91, 9-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2021.08.009.
Hokelekli, F.O., Duffy, J.R., Clark, H.M., Utianski, R.L., Botha, H., Ali, F., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Machulda, M.M., Reichard, R.R., Dickson, D.W., Whitwell, J.L., and Josephs, K.A. (2021). Autopsy validation of the progressive supranuclear palsy with predominant speech/language disorder criteria. Movement Disorders. DOI: 10.1002/mds.28822.
Polsinelli, A., Machulda, M.M., Josephs, K.A., Martin, P.R., Duffy, J.R., Clark, H.M., Butts, A.M., Botha, H., Lowe, V.J., Whitwell, J.L., and Utianski, R.L. (2021). Neuropsychological profiles of patients with progressive apraxia of speech and aphasia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. DOI: 10.1017/S1355617721000692.
Kersey, J., Evans, W., Mullen, K., Askren, A., Cavanaugh, R., Wallace, S., Hula, W., Dickey, M. Terhorst, L., Skidmore, E. (2021). Metacognitive strategy training is feasible for people with aphasia. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health.
Kent. R. D., & Laver, J. (2021). The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Communication Sciences and Disorders, 1st Edition. New York: Thieme.. doi:10.1055/b000000634
Meulenbroek, P & Cherney, LR. (2021). Computer-based workplace communication training in persons with traumatic brain injury: The work-related communication program. Journal of Communication Disorders, 91.
Oberle, A., Postman W.A., & van den Berk-Clark, C. (2021). Novel, Neuroscience-Informed Approaches to Trauma Care in Community Clinical Settings. Missouri Medicine - the Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, 118(4), 358-362.
Riley, E.A., Hart, E., Preston, J.L., Wu, Y., and Ashaie, S. (2021). Pervasiveness of speech-language disorders and fatigue in stroke: A systematic scoping review. Journal of Communication Disorders. 93. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106145.
Rose, M., Pierce, J., Scharp, V., Off, C., Babbitt, E., Griffin, J., & Cherney, L. R. (2021). Developments in the application of Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs: An international survey of practice. Disability and Rehabilitation.
Sandberg, C.W., Zacharewicz, M., Gray, T. Bilingual Abstract Semantic Associative Network Training (BAbSANT): A Polish-English case study. JJCD.
Sandberg, C. W., Nadermann, K., Parker, L., Kubat, A.M., Conyers, L.M. Counseling in Aphasia: Information and Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologists. AJSLP.
Durfee, A. Z., Sheppard, S. M., Blake, M. L., & Hillis, A. E. (2021). Lesion loci of impaired affective prosody: A systematic review of evidence from stroke. Brain and Cognition, 152(May), 105759.
Sheppard, S., Stockbridge, M., Keator, L., Murray, L.L., Blake, M.L. (in press) The company prosodic deficits keep following right hemisphere stroke: A systematic review. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
Stockbridge, M. D., Sheppard, S., Keator, L. M., Murray, L. L., & Blake, M. L. (2021). Aprosodia Subsequent to Right Hemisphere Brain Damage : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1–27.
Strong, K. A. & Randolph, J. (2021, October). How do you do talk therapy with someone who can’t talk? Perspectives from mental health professionals on supporting individuals with aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Utianski, R.L., Martin, P.R., Duffy, J.R., Botha, H., Clark, H.M., and Josephs, K.A. (2021). Assessing Change in Communication Limitations in Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia: A One-Year Follow-Up Study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. DOI: 10.1044/2021_AJSLP-20-00402.