ANCDS Board of Clinical Certification AuthorityAuthorization and use of the marks “Board Certification in Neurologic Communication Disorders” and BC-ANCDS shall commence upon successful completion of all requirements for Board Certification. Use of these terms prior to such successful completion is strictly prohibited and may subject the Certification Candidate to termination of their candidacy. The Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS) Board of Clinical Certification’s authority and obligation to grant, deny, and revoke the right to use the marks and promulgate standards of practice stems from its ownership of the above marks. By promulgating ongoing professional standards for the holders of the marks now and in the future, the ANCDS helps to assure the public the persons using these marks in the course of their business or occupation have not only met stringent certification requirements but have also continued to maintain appropriate standards of conduct and practice that distinguish them from others who would represent themselves as specialists in neurologic communication disorders. The marks indicated above are owned by the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences. The Board of Clinical Certification grants to qualified Speech-Language Pathologists the right to use the marks in the course of their business or occupation. The Board of Clinical Certification protects the marks and restricts their use to those who maintain current status with the Board of Clinical Certification. |