President's Message:
Welcome to the summer ANCDS newsletter. Whether your schedule is relaxed or a little more hectic, summer is a time both reflection and planning. Time during the long days of summer is well spent in reflection, consideration and updating. As part of summer ruminations, I encourage you to listen to the excellent series of podcasts that are available on the ANCDS website. I'll highlight just a couple of them. The most recent is An interview with Shirley Morganstein: Reflections on Relational Practice. Michael Biel conducts this thoughtful interview with Shirley Morganstein, a clinician who has been practicing since 1971 and who describes herself as a life participation therapist. This interview is part of a series on aphasia therapy and among other issues provides insights into the foundations of our field. Another thought provoking podcast is an interview with Felcity Bright, The Patient's Engagement and Experience with You, the Speech Pathologist. From Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, Felcity Bright is a speech-language pathologist whose work is interdisciplinary and focuses on patient's engagement in healthcare. If you download these and other podcasts you can listen to them where ever your summer travels take you.
Summer is also a time for planning for the coming year. Be sure to plan to join us for our annual Scientific and Business Meeting on November 16 in Philadelphia. The Education and Standards committee has developed an excellent scientific program focusing on Genetics, Ethics, and Management of Cognitive Communicative Disorders in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Keynote addresses will be presented by Murray Grossman, MD, EdD, and David Irwin, MD of the Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania. More details can be found on the ANCDS website.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and hope to see you in Philadelphia.
Kathryn Yorkston, PhD President, ANCDS
Member Accomplishments |
Edie Babbitt, M.Ed, BC-ANCDS Babbitt E.M., Worrall L., Cherney L.R. Who Benefits From an Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program? Topics in Language Disorders. 2016;36(2):168-184.
Margaret (Peggy) Blake, Ph.D., was awarded a 2016 Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Houston.
Linda Carozza, Ph.D. Aging and Communication: Creative approaches to improving the quality of life, Singular Pubs, Fall 2015.
Rebecca D. Eberle, M.A., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, has been promoted to Clinical Professor at Indiana University, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences.
Roberta J. Elman, Ph.D., CC-SLP, BC-ANCDS Elman, R.J. (2016). Aphasia Centers and the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia: A Paradigm Shift. Topics in Language Disorders, 36(2), 154-167.
Brooke Hallowell, Ph.D. Hallowell, B. (2016). Aphasia and other acquired neurogenic language disorders: A guide for clinical excellence. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing. ISBN13: 978-1-59756-477-9.
Chapman, L.R., & Hallowell, B. (2015). A novel pupillometric method for indexing word difficulty in individuals with and without aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58, 1508-1520.
Serrano, V.J., Owens, J.S., & Hallowell, B. (2015). Where children with ADHD direct visual attention during emotion knowledge tasks: Relationships to accuracy, response time, and ADHD symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders.
Heuer, S., & Hallowell, B. (2015). A novel eye-tracking method to assess attention allocation in individuals with and without aphasia using a dual-task paradigm. Journal of Communication Disorders. 55,15-30.
Outstanding Contribution Award, Asia Pacific Society for Speech, Language, and Hearing, 2015.
Outstanding Faculty Innovation Award, TechGROWTH Ohio, 2015.
Jackie Hinckley, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS Hinckley, J. (2016) Aphasia Practice in the Year 2026. Seminars in Speech and Language, vol 37 (August).
Laura Murray, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Murray, L.L., Salis, C., Martin, N., & Dralle, J. (in press). The use of standardized short-term and working memory tests in aphasia research: A systematic review. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2016.1174718.
Richard K. Peach, Ph.D. Ellis, C. & Peach, R.K. (2016). Life satisfaction and aphasia: An integrative review with recommendations for future research, Aphasiology, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2016.1154500.
Anthony P. Salvatore, Ph.D. Murray, N., Salvatore, A.P., Tomaka, J. & Reed-Jones, R.J. (2016). Relationship Between the Romberg Test and the Wii Fit basic balance test and cognition in athletes with concussion. Journal Clinical and Translational Research, 2(1): 39-45, DOI:
Nina Simmons-Mackie, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS Simmons-Mackie, N., Worrall, L., Murray, L., Enderby, P., Rose, M., Paek, E. & Klippi, A. (2016): The top ten: best practice recommendations for aphasia. Aphasiology, Early online.
Book Review: Music, Language, and the Brain |
Speech-language pathologists commonly use music to promote client development. In some cases, clinicians may also work on multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary teams that include a music therapist, or even co-treat clients with a music therapist. In cases of treatment, characteristics of music can function to support pragmatic, syntactic, or semantic considerations of communication. Clinicians can understand these functions through a neurological perspective.
Anniruddh Patel, a music neuroscientist, completed Music, Language, and the Brain to explore the relationships between music, speech, and language. The book includes 513 pages, separated by seven chapters. Chapter one introduces the organization and tone of the book. Chapter two explores the relationships between pitch and timbre in both music and speech/language. Chapter three discusses how rhythm in music links to rhythm in speech and poetry. Chapter four analyzes melody in music and speech. Chapter five articulates the similarities and differences between musical and linguistic syntax. Chapter six describes the relationships between musical and linguistic meaning/semantics. Chapter seven explores theories of music, language, and natural selection. Each chapter culminates with a theoretical framework for links between music and language in each area.
Patel therefore provides a neurological understanding for the connections between music and language. He approaches his work with humility and transparency, while also promoting user-friendly language. While the book does offer difficult information at times, it seeks to maintain accessibility as often as possible.
As clinicians and educators, we are becoming increasingly aware of the complex and individualized needs of our clients. Music, Language, and the Brain provides clinicians with an understanding of neural mechanisms that play a role in such complexity, while also taking into account psychological and sociocultural mechanisms that may also be at play. Patel's pioneering and connecting work will most likely be expanded in the years to come. In the meantime, we can apply these connections between music and language to promote the health and well-being of our clients.
Patel, A. D. (2008). Music, language, and the brain. New York: Oxford University Press
About the reviewer: Bill Matney, Ph.D., MT-BC, is an assistant professor of music therapy at the University of Kansas. His clinical work has focused primarily on special education, but has also included work with adults who have developmental disabilities, people in addiction rehabilitation, and veterans.
Research Study Opportunities |
The Aphasia Lab is developing a survey under the direction of Dr. Julius Fridriksson to query commonly used therapy techniques for persons with Aphasia. We would like to reach as many SLPs as possible to complete the survey.
The Communication Neuroimaging and Neuroscience Laboratory (CoNi Lab), is currently recruiting participants for a study regarding language and stroke. Although ANCDS members are well-distributed, we are asking for help recruiting subjects within Arizona. We are currently recruiting participants for an ongoing study of how language abilities change after stroke and how we can improve rehabilitation. For more information go here.
Featured Article: Right Hemisphere Bank (RHDBank) - A New Shared TalkBank Database
Right hemisphere brain damage (RHD) can result in cognitive-communicative deficits that impair pragmatic skills (Tompkins, 2012), resulting in disorders of discourse production and comprehension. Specifically, difficulty with topic maintenance (Myers, 1993), discourse coherence and cohesion (Marini, Carlomagno, Caltagirone & Nocentini, 2005), inference generation (Blake, 2009), turn-taking, question use (Minga, 2014), and the integration of contextual nuance (McDonald, 2000) are among the deficits estimated to occur in at least 80% of people with RHD (Blake, Duffy, Myers & Tompkins, 2002). Despite this, relatively few research studies focus on discourse production.
RHDBank, an extension of TalkBank (MacWhinney, 2007), is a new shared database with a structured protocol for the study of discourse in adults with RHD. The RHD discourse protocol includes formal and informal assessment of neglect, cognitive-linguistic function, and a variety of discourse tasks, as well as extensive demographic data. This database is intended to serve dual purposes. First, it will address the needs of researchers, affording them access to a large number of RHD discourse samples using a standard protocol. Second, it will be useful for educational purposes in clinical and academic settings. Access to visual media showing discourse performance behaviors can be invaluable to students and clinicians who may not have an opportunity to observe adults with RHD. Moreover, such exposure may serve to promote clinical and research interest in RHD.
Adults with a single right hemisphere stroke who meet inclusion criteria are eligible to participate in RHDBank. The RHD discourse protocol was developed using parts of the established AphasiaBank protocol as a foundation and adding specific tasks that are sensitive to RHD discourse impairments. The protocol includes: (1) a free speech sample; (2) a first-encounter conversation (Kennedy, Strand, Burton, & Peterson, 1994); (3) two picture descriptions; (4) a story narrative; (5) procedural discourse; and (6) a question production task (Minga, 2014).
Discourse samples are videotaped and later transcribed using the Codes for the Human Analysis of Transcripts (CHAT; MacWhinney, 2000) format. These media and transcript files are password protected, but are freely available to qualified researchers, clinicians, and educators who are RHDBank members. Computerized Language ANalysis (CLAN; MacWhinney, 2000) can be used on CHAT files to analyze a wide range of linguistic variables and to summarize any additional coding (e.g., for topic maintenance, coherence, cohesion). Given the limited research on this topic, this shared database has the potential for broad research, clinical, and educational applications.
To maximize the research and educational benefits, a significant corpus of samples is needed. Individuals interested in contributing data from participants with RHD are encouraged to contact Davida Fromm for more information. All contributing institutions' Institutional Review Boards must approve the collection of data and the standard protocol. Qualified researchers, instructors, and clinicians who are interested in the RHDBank for educational use are invited to use the same contact information given above to request access.
References: Blake, M. L. (2009). Inferencing processes after right hemisphere brain damage: maintenance of inferences. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 52(2), 359-372. Blake, M. L., Duffy, J. R., Myers, P. S., & Tompkins, C. A., (2002). Prevalence and patterns of right hemisphere cognitive/communication deficits: Retrospective data from an inpatient rehabilitation unit. Aphasiology, 16, 537-548. Kennedy, Mary R.T., Strand, W.B., Edythe A., Burton,W., & Peterson, C. (1994). Analysis of First-Encounter Conversations of Right-Hemisphere-Damaged Adults. Clinical Aphasiology, 22,67-80. MacWhinney, B. (2007). The TalkBank Project. In J. C. Beal, K. P. Corrigan & H. L. Moisl (Eds.), Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora: Synchronic Databases, Vol.1.(pp. 163-180). Houndmills: Palgrave-Macmillan. MacWhinney, B. (2000). The CHILDES project: Tools for analyzing talk (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Marini, A., Carlomagno, S., Caltagirone, C., & Nocentini, U. (2005). The role played by the right hemisphere in the organization of complex textual structures. Brain and Language, 93(1), 46-54. McDonald, S. (2000). Exploring the cognitive basis of right hemisphere pragmatic language disorder. Brain and Language, 75(1), 82-107. Minga, J. M. (2014). Question use following right hemisphere brain damage (Order No. 3673059). ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1652500781). Myers, P. (1993). Narrative expressive deficits associated with right hemisphere damage. In H. Brownell and Y. Joanette (Eds). Narrative Discourse in Neurologically Impaired and Normal Aging Adults, 279-296. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group. Tompkins, C.A. (2012). Rehabilitation for cognitive-communication disorders in right hemisphere brain damage. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(1 Suppl), S61-69.
ASHA Announcements
Resources for Practice
Practice Portal Find information on clinical topics and professional issues to help translate evidence and expert opinion into practice here.
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Download handouts with case studies and functional goals here.
Illustrate the Impact of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Short videos describe the critical importance of collaboration in the eyes of consumers and families. Other resources for teaching or learning more about IPE/IPP here. Take a free webinar on The Why, What, and How of Interprofessional Collaboration to earn 0.2 ASHA CEUs!
Research & Mentoring Opportunities
- Clinicians and Researchers Collaborating (CLARC): The CLARC program is an online tool designed to enable clinicians and researchers to identify each other for the purpose of forming research collaborations. Find out more here.
- MARC (Mentoring Academic Research Careers): an online mentoring program that supports CSD junior faculty, post-doctoral fellows and PhD students in achieving and sustaining a rewarding career in academia through one-on-one online mentoring by seasoned faculty. Applications open in August, deadline in September.
- ASHA's Research Mentoring Network (ARM) Programs can be found here.
Publications of Interest |
Teaching & Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders (TLCSD) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing articles that reflect current and exemplary scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) research in speech-language pathology and audiology. We anticipate our first issue to be published Winter 2017.
Articles submitted to TLCSD may also reflect current trends in the format of SoTL work, including original research, quantitative or qualitative in nature, reflective essays and case studies, both grounded in the literature. We invite manuscripts which also fall within the umbrella of evidence-based education in CSD, including:
- Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Research: New investigations, meta-analyses, other original inquiry.
- Scholarly Teaching: Reports of applying SoTL in the CSD classroom.
- Early Discoveries: Short reports on emerging and developing research and teaching.
- Reflections on SoTL: Reflections on the SoTL research process.
- Student Voices: Student SoTL research or reflections on participation in the SoTL research process.
- Book Reviews: Reviews of new SoTL texts which critically examine content and describe applications to CSD.
For more information contact Sarah M. Ginsberg, Editor, or Mardee Kohlmann, manager.
Events Calendar |
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