Board Certification Committee |
Heather Clark, from Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, met all three requirements for completing board certification, and became the ANCDS newest Board Certified member as of November 11, 2015. Congratulations Heather! In addition, she has graciously agreed to join the Certification Board as our newest member. Her tenure with the committee begins immediately, ending December 31, 2018. The other committee members, with year of term completion are as follows:
- Kathryn Atkinson - Chair (2016)
- Edie Babbitt (2017)
- Michael Biel (2017)
- Jane Pimental (2017)
- Mary Purdy (2017)
- Gail Ramsberger (2016)
- Anthony Salvatore (2016)
- Edy Strand (2016)
I will name an Associate Chair in 2016, who will then serve as Chair starting in 2017.
In addition, there are currently five Board Certification applicants in various stages of the certification process, and two applicants who have submitted applications, which were accepted, and have yet to submit their first case study. Based on the information from the EB meeting on November 10, 2015, the Certification Board will have several administrative tasks to complete in the coming year.
It was announced at the Scientific Meeting that due to several Board Certified members expressing difficulty uploading their documents for verification of their six CECs (10 hours = 1 CEC), in the future, Board Certified members should email their documents to [email protected]. The Central Office will then submit them to the Chair for verification of continuing education hours. Remember to submit your online form of the various categories and your unofficial ASHA CEU transcript, or other documentation for proof of the hours you are counting; up to 15 hours may be counted toward recertification from related communication disorder activities. If you have any questions, please email Katie Atkinson at: [email protected].
Kathryn Atkinson, MA, BC-ANCDS