ANCDS is pleased to announce a new benefit of membership! ANCDS will now accept requests to post members’ research study recruitment on verified social media accounts (i.e., ANCDS, @TheANCDS, and official.ancds). This benefit will apply to social media platforms only. Recruitment information will not be listed on the ANCDS website or in the newsletter.
Requirements include:
Active ANCDS membership
If you are a student, your Primary Mentor must be an ANCDS member
Members must submit evidence of IRB approval with the requester named on the IRB
Members are responsible for identifying and adhering to individual IRB requirements for advertising materials
Members must submit all text, links, contact information, and images to be posted, tailored to each platform (e.g., 280-character limit for Twitter). Requests will be posted as received (not altered or re-designed in any way).
A disclaimer will accompany all posts:
“This posting is provided as a member benefit of ANCDS. This project is not affiliated with ANCDS, and ANCDS does not endorse the project or the content contained within. All questions regarding this post should be directed to the contact identified and not to ANCDS.”
Posts will be made once and will not be repeated or boosted. Submit any questions and all requests for posts to Martha Sherrill at [email protected]. We can’t wait to see what our members are working on!