ANCDS Proposed Bylaws Changes – Vote Needed

Dear ANCDS Voting Members:

ANCDS Bylaws require a membership vote to be changed.  At this time, all ANCDS voting members have been emailed an electronic ballot, in which you will find an explanation of four bylaws changes the ANCDS Executive Board (EB) is proposing that require your vote.  In brief, 1) we are proposing to reduce the cost of student membership to encourage more students to join, which creates four categories of membership rather than the three we have had; 2 and 3) we are correcting the ambiguous language concerning committee BCC and BRE chairs and their ability to serve on the EB; 4) we are proposing that the EB be able to execute minor editing changes to the bylaws that do not change the content without asking for a membership vote to approve.

You will see the original wording of the bylaw and the proposed wording changes highlighted in yellow, with a brief justification for the proposed change.  We are asking for you to vote on each of the proposed changes by Monday, October 23, 2023.

Thank you for your effort and support!


Lynn Maher, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
2023 ANCDS President

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