Dear ANCDS Members,
Dear ANCDS Members,
Written By: Jacqueline Hinckley, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS
In 2020, ANCDS released a statement in support of Black Lives and made a commitment to diversity following the death of George Floyd and rising issues of racial injustices voiced by persons within and outside of the field of speech-language pathology. In this statement, we reaffirmed our commitment to fairness and equity within the organization and pledged to establish a committee to focus on diversity and inclusion. The ANCDS Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity & Inclusion has been formed and is ready for action!
The first time I treated someone with known COVID-19, a patient in the ICU, I distinctly remember thinking, It’s here, right now. It’s here in this room with us. Another entity: The patient, myself, the speech-language pathologist who was orienting me as a new hospital employee, and the Newly Described Thing. Despite a definite diagnosis, despite knowing that diagnosis before entering the room, there was nonetheless a slow moment of reconciliation for me, where I had read about the Thing, I had heard about it, but to be in a room with it was wholly other. There was a feeling of matter for me then, of the voluminous—that is, this invisible Thing was crowding in—and inevitably that matter, that feeling of the voluminous, they ached and continue to ache with multiple meanings.
Dear ANCDS Voting Members,
It's time for the next ANCDS newsletter! As always, we're seeking your help to keep it a relevant and timely publication.
Dear ANCDS Members,
Submit your nominations, including the following information, no later than June 30, 2021, to the ANCDS Honors Committee, c/o Mary Kennedy, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Rinker Health Science Campus 290B, Chapman University, 9401 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, CA 92618, or by email to [email protected].
ANCDS Fellowship Mentor: Janet Patterson
The ANCDS Student Fellowship Program was developed in 2011. Start-up funds for the original awards were contributed by Dr. Lawrence Shriberg, keynote speaker for the 2010 ANCDS Annual Scientific Meeting, who donated his honorarium back to the ANCDS. Funds to sustain the program continue to be provided by the ANCDS Executive Board and through donations from ANCDS members.
The Honors of the ANCDS is the highest award bestowed by the academy. It is awarded to those who have displayed excellence in clinical assessment and treatment, research, mentorship, teaching, and service to the community and to the ANCDS. This year, the ANCDS is honoring an individual who, for over 40 years, has made significant contributions to individuals who have neurologic communication disorders.
Written By: Written By: Katie A. Strong, PhD, CCC-SLP
Written By: Emily J. Braun, Maria Dekhtyar, and Swathi Kiran
Written By: Rebecca Goodridge, ANCDS Student Member
This year, the ANCDS Annual Business Meeting and Presentation of the Honors of the Academy is going virtual! Although we cannot be together in person this year, this will be a special opportunity for members of the Academy to connect, to hear of the work being carried out within the organization, and to honor one of our esteemed colleagues. The Student Fellowship Awardees will also be announced!
It is time once again to renew your ANCDS membership for the 2021 calendar year!