In This Issue...
- President's Message
- Member Spotlight: Rik Lemoncello, PHD, CCC/SLP
- Past Fellow Interview: Natalie Douglas, Ph.D.
- ANCDS Annual Meeting
- Committee Updates
- ASHA Announcements
- Aphasia Access Announcement
- Book Review: Where the Light Gets In
- Member Accomplishments
ANCDS Board Certification
Why become Board Certified?
- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide
- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for maintenance of board certification
- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement
Click here to learn more about the application and certification process.
Upcoming Live Webinars
June 24 Striving for Independence: A Coaching Model of Support for Adults with TBI
Aug. 29 Evidence and Practice Underpinning Gesture-Based Approaches to Aphasia Rehabilitation
Sep. 18 Stressed Out? The Intricacies of Stress and Language in Aphasia Research
Oct. 17 Documenting Functional Change in Complex Communicative Environments
View the full webinar schedule!
New On Demand CE Offerings
April 2019: Reading Comprehension Treatments for Aphasia: An ANCDS Writing Committee Update
View all On Demand CE here!
Upcoming Conferences
November 20: ANCDS Annual Meeting
Sponsorship Opportunities
ANCDS is seeking sponsors for our upcoming annual meeting. Both package and individual sponsorship opportunities are available.
Please click the link below to let us know how you would like to support our organization.
I would like to help sponsor this event!
ANCDS Job Board
Looking for a new career opportunity? Check out our free job board!
Members, want to post a free ad for an open position at your company? Submit this form!
Welcome New Members!
Full Members
Melissa Bornstein, MS, CCC-SLP Rebecca Bowen, MA, CCC-SLP Caitlin Brown Caitlin Cox, MS, CCC-SLP Rachel Greene, MS, CCC-SLP Leslie Kot, MS, CCC- SLP Karen Nolan, R.SLP, S-LP(C) Bethany Villella, MS, CCC-SLP Zina Rhee, MA, CCC-SLP Lisa Robateau, MS, CCC-SLP
Student Members
Aswathy Anakkathil Pradeep Rachael Harrington Marina Mishiyeva Rizzle Anne Querida Caroline Spencer Jennifer Wolff
ANCDS Board/Officers
Linda Shuster, PhD, CCC-SLP President
Kathleen Youse, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS President-Elect
JoAnn Silkes, PhD Secretary
Yvonne Rogalski, PhD, CCC-SLP Treasurer
Julie Wambaugh, PhD Immediate Past President
Alaina Davis, PhD, CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Gerasimos Fergadiotis, PhD, CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Tepanta Fossett, PhD Executive Board Member
Katy O'Brien, PhD, CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Stacie Raymer, PhD ANCDS Archivist
Sheryle Hazard, CAE Executive Director
Contact Us
ANCDS 2345 Rice Street, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55113 Online: Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-925-5528 Fax: 651-317-8048
Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!
President's Message
All of our committees have been working very hard, as you can see by the updates in this and previous newsletters. I want to especially acknowledge the Education and Standards Committee, particularly the Chair of the Meetings subcommittee, Mike de Riesthal, for their time and effort in getting the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting program in place so early. They have put together another really excellent program. You should have received an email about it, and you can also find the information on our webpage. I hope that many of you are planning to attend.
Looking ahead to 2020, we may be in need of new committee members. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact me. You can find information on each committee's charge in our by-laws, which are posted on the webpage. If you are a Board Certified individual who would be willing to serve on the Certification Board please contact me.
The ANCDS VA SLP Residency Committee is moving forward with their charge of developing a program for accreditation of post-graduate training in neurogenic communication disorders within the VA. They have been meeting regularly online and will have their first face-to-face meeting in August. If you have questions or comments about this or any of our other efforts, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Linda Shuster, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 2019 ANCDS President
Member Spotlight: Rik Lemoncello, PHD, CCC-SLP
In each newsletter, we feature an ANCDS member. This quarter we're talking with Rik Lemoncello, PhD, CCC-SLP, Associate Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. His areas of interest include Acquired Brain Injury, Cognitive Rehabilitation, EBP, SoTL, and Social Participation following ABI. Rik is the founder of Sarah Bellum's Bakery & Workshop in Portland, Oregon.
ANCDS: Tell us about Sarah Bellum Bakery & Workshop.
Rik Lemoncello (RL): Sarah Bellum's Bakery & Workshop is a non-profit program in Portland, OR (USA) whose mission is to provide return-to-work opportunities for adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). In our bakery and workshop, participants with ABI do all of the bakery tasks, including preparing our baked goods made with quality organic ingredients from scratch (e.g., cupcakes, cookies, brownies, bars), sales and customer interaction, taking orders, and cleaning and organizing the shop. We offer job supports and coaching by trained volunteers, including graduate students in SLP and occupational therapy (OT).
We launched as a pilot program in 2017 and expanded our work in 2018. For the first two years, we worked out of a rental commissary kitchen and sold our specialty cupcakes at local farmer's markets each summer (and also at rehabilitation conferences and events throughout the year). In December 2018, we officially opened a brick-and-mortar shop in SW Portland, OR to be able to offer more and year-round opportunities. We have grown from supporting 4 adults with ABI in the first pilot year to now over 40 adults with ABI in our program. In addition to the 41 participants with ABI, we have 35 supporting volunteers for a full staff of over 70 volunteers! There is only one paid employee right now, who is our front of house manager for supervising the shop, customer interaction, ordering, and sales. Supervising and training in the back-of-house for baking are two SLPs, an OT, and a pastry chef. (Continue Reading)
Past Fellow Interview: Natalie Douglas, Ph.D.
Fellow Year: 2012 Associate Professor, Central Michigan University Areas of interest: Implementation science, quality improvement to better outcomes for people in long-term care with dementia, aphasia and related disorders.
ANCDS: Why were you interested in the ANCDS conference fellow program?
Natalie Douglas (ND): The ANCDS conference fellow program helped me to connect with individuals with similar interests in more intimate ways. It introduced me to a group of clinical scholars who were committed to my growth as a professional and who welcomed me into the discipline.
ANCDS: Why would you recommend the ANCDS conference fellow program to future students?
ND: I would highly recommend the ANCDS conference fellow program to future students. This is a unique opportunity to interact with the field's best players in a non-threatening, affirming way. Relationships that develop through the conference fellow program have the potential to last throughout one's career. (Continue Reading)

Committee Updates
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee has worked with the Executive Board and ADS to create 2019 Advertising and Sponsorship Package. Tiers of sponsorship have been slightly modified from the 2018 packets to respond to feedback received from last year's campaign. Sponsorship packets have been distributed to several corporations. Donations for ANCDS Conference Fellowships are continually accepted and it is expected that 12 fellowships will be available for the 2019 Scientific Meeting.
Professional Affairs Committee:
The Professional Affairs Committee (PAC) coordinates the distribution of ANCDS materials at professional meetings. This year, the PAC has already secured agreements with the Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium and the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. We are in the planning stages for distributing materials at three additional U.S. meetings and one international meeting.
2019 Annual Meeting Silver Sponsor

ANCDS does not endorse specific companies or products.

ASHA Announcements
Interprofessional Education/Interprofessional Practice (IPE/IPP)
Research & Mentoring Opportunities
Clinicians and Researchers Collaborating (CLARC): The CLARC program is an online tool designed to enable clinicians and researchers to identify each other for the purpose of forming research collaborations.
Upcoming deadlines for ASHA research career development opportunities:
Research highlights at the ASHA Convention include several research career development sessions, the Research Roundtables, and the Research Symposium, which will focus on Specific Language Impairment in 2019.
Conferences & Continuing Education
Volunteer Opportunities
ASHA Convention student volunteers: Student volunteers assist in various roles during the ASHA Convention. As a student volunteer, you/your student will have the opportunity to meet and network with your peers and ASHA members.
Interested in volunteering on an ASHA committee/board/council? Complete the Committee/Board Interest Form to be entered into the volunteer pool.
Aphasia Access Announcement
In honor of Aphasia Awareness Month, all webinars on the Aphasia Access website will be available for free during the month of June. Go to
Book Review: Where the Light Gets In
Reviewed by Julie Keefe Graduate Student, Speech Language Pathology, Nazareth College
Where the Light Gets In by Kimberly Williams-Paisley is a heart-wrenching account from a young woman whose mother is diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia at the early-onset age of sixty-two. Unlike most types of aphasia caused by stroke, PPA is actually a form of dementia which, as its name would indicate, progressively worsens over time. Spoken language is affected prior to cognitive functioning, differentiating it from Alzheimer's Disease. Like any form of dementia, PPA ultimately leaves the affected individual unable to think, speak, or function as they once did. From the moment a diagnosis is given, the journey of living with PPA is not easy for the one diagnosed nor his/her immediate family and caretakers.
Williams-Paisley paints a picture of her relationship with her mother prior to her diagnosis, highlighting many moments when their equally strong-willed personalities caused them to butt heads, as well as the special bond that they shared. Throughout the book she makes connections and distinctions between "Old Mom" and "New Mom," explaining how she struggled for a long time to accept the changes in personality and functioning that her mother underwent as her disease progressed. Some of the most difficult moments occurred when her mother acted least like her old self, becoming frustrated and, at times, aggressive toward people who were usually trying to help. Not surprisingly, the most frequent victim of this behavior was the author's father, her mother's primary caretaker. (Continue reading)
Member Accomplishments
Cermak CA, Scratch SE, Reed NP, Bradley K, Quinn de Launay KL, Beal DS. Cognitive Communication Impairments in Children With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Review. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2019 Mar/Apr;34(2):E13-E20. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000419. PubMed PMID: 30169433.
Whitney Schneider-Cline, Erin Bush & Miechelle McKelvey (2019): Using the OSU TBI-ID method for screening rural, older adults: a mixed methods feasibility study, Brain Injury, doi: 10.1080/02699052.2019.1606450
Abbott-Anderson, K., Chiou, H.S., Burk, B.N. (2019). Spring EngAGEment: An inter-professional collaboration to enhance community interaction and university education. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Special Interest Division, 2, Perspectives on Neurogenic Communication Disorders, 4, 91- 96.
Galgano, J., Pantazatos, S., Allen, K., Yanagihara, T., & Hirsch, J.(2019). Functional connectivity of PAG with core limbic system and laryngeal cortico-motor structures during human phonation. Brain research, 1707, 184-189.
Keegan, L.C., Togher, L., Murdock, M. & Suger, C. (2019). Improving social interaction: Group rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2019.1591464
At the Clinical Aphasiology Conference this year, The Trustees of The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia announced the inaugural recipients of The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Distinguished Scholar awards 2019 including two ANCDS members, Dr. Katie Strong and Dr. Sarah E. Wallace.
Colleagues, Kristie Spencer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP and Jacqueline Daniels, M.S. CCC-SLP recently published a book: Medical Setting Considerations for the Speech-Language Pathologist. The second book in the series isn't far behind!
On April 12, 2019, at the MNSHA Spring Convention, Jack E. Thomas, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS received the Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association's 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Wiseman-Hakes C., Saleem M., Poulin, V., Nalder, E., Balachandran P., Gan, C., Colantonio, A. The development of intimate relationships in adolescent girls and women with Traumatic Brain Injury: a framework to guide Gender Specific Rehabilitation and enhance positive social outcomes. (2019) Disability and Rehabilitation early online April 17, 2019.